Carpet size guide
A rug changes a room by creating an area, or even a refuge. Carpets give structure to large rooms and pull things together. Dining tables and chairs become islands of enjoyment and communication, coffee tables and sofas oases of shared coziness, sleeping areas turn into basecamps for the land of dreams.
We are happy to use our many years of experience to help find the perfect way to position a rug in the room in relation to the furniture.

For example, a rug should go about 40 cm under a large sofa, and any smaller pieces of furniture placed directly on the carpet.

If the couch in question is not up against a wall, it should be placed on a larger carpet in full.

You can choose to put a bed on top of a rug, or frame it with two or three smaller rugs. In both cases, you should be able to feel the comfort of warm pile beneath your feet when you get up.

You can choose to put a bed on top of a rug, or frame it with two or three smaller rugs. In both cases, you should be able to feel the comfort of warm pile beneath your feet when you get up.

When placing a carpet in a dining area, it is important that there is enough space between the back of the chair and the edge of the carpet for chairs to be pushed back when sitting down and getting up without tripping over the carpet. Ideally, there should be about 1 m between the edge of the table and the edge of the carpet, and 80 cm at a minimum.